Pascal Berrang
IT Security & Privacy (Blockchain, AI, Medical Data)

I am an Associate Professor in Computer Science – Computer Security at the University of Birmingham, UK.
My research interests are in the field of IT Security & Privacy with a focus on Health Data, Blockchain Technology, and Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning.
Previously, I was a freelance researcher & consultant, specialising in blockchain technology (e.g., Nimiq). Prior to that, I completed my PhD in the Information Security and Cryptography Group at Saarland University under supervision of Michael Backes. My PhD thesis has the title Quantifying and Mitigating Privacy Risks in Biomedical Data. My thesis recently received the Dr. Eduard-Martin award 2019 for the best PhD thesis in the category in mathematics and computer science. I obtained my Bachelor degree from Saarland University in 2013, before joining the Graduate School of Computer Science there.
research areas
- Security and Privacy of Machine Learning
- Security and Privacy of Blockchain Technology
- Security and Privacy of Health Data
If you’re a student interested in pursuing a PhD in one of these topics, don’t hesitate contacting me!
latest posts
selected publications
- CVCBTAlbatross – An optimistic consensus algorithmIn Proceedings of the Crypto Valley Conference on Blockchain Technology (CVCBT), 2019